Anonymous 12/13/2022 (Tue) 15:42 Id: 33e83e No.114246 del
AP Admits Alex Jones Trial Was Just For ‘Show’ And Will Soon Be Thrown Out

According to a recent report by the Associated Press, the Alex Jones trial was all just a show and is likely to be tossed out on appeal since the case is rests on questionable legal grounds.

Attorney Tre Lovell told the AP on Sunday that Jones has “significant issues” he can present on appeal, including the fact Jones was defaulted by the courts before the Texas and Connecticut trials even began.

“This is far from over. Alex Jones You know, there’s a number of things that you can do. First of all, he’s going to appeal, according to his attorneys, and there are some significant issues on appeal,” Lovell told AP. “This is a very unusual trial. The court basically put him in default and they went straight to damages. And that’s very unusual.”

“And that’s a very draconian ruling by a court that’s a ruling that’s the last choice a court will have. And a court of appeal is going to really scrutinize that,” he said. “A judge is required to, if a litigant is not participating in discovery or is violating, you know, the litigation standards…there’s a number of things that a judge can do before actually putting in default.”