Anonymous 12/20/2022 (Tue) 04:06 Id: 1316fb No.114894 del
>>114640 The manager of Canada's response to COVID has dropped dead at 35
>>114656 DoD Office Moving Ahead in Mission to Identify 'Anomalous Phenomena.'
>>114678 Ursid meteor shower starts tonight (Dec 17)
>>114681 Son and granddaughter of Constitutional Pinal County AZ Sheriff, Mark Lamb, killed in auto accident
>>114690 Deep State Suspicions - American Thinker
>>114691 ‘Six ways from Sunday’: the intelligence community goes to war - American Thinker
>>114699 Kulldorf on Musk: After trying to monopolize the megaphone for almost three years, the Covid Faucists will soon find themselves lonely and frustrated
>>114708, >>114717 Leaked Documents Expose How Intelligence Agencies Can Track ALL Crypto Financial Transactions
>>114761 To give you an idea of the number of preborn babies killed by abortion in the United States since the legalization of Abortion in 1973.
>>114762 @45: “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY” is the Radical Left Democrat’s new chant
>>114790, >>114791, >>114813 Vatican dismisses Father Frank Pavone from priesthood
>>114807 Runbeck DIG
>>114816 January 20, 2023: 12:00 PM EST, March for Life Rally in Wash DC
>>114827 New Taibbi Twitter Files
>>114828 LIGO could be used to detect giant alien spacecraft
>>114832, >>114833, >>114834, >>114837 DJT on Unselect Cmte & tax records

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