Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 00:20 Id: 9a4814 No.116933 del
<The Shills are Coming: Signs of AI Shill Behavior
Are you starting to see the shills everywhere? AI shill behavior is becoming more and more common, and it’s time you know what to look for. AI shill behavior is the use of fake online profiles or reviews to promote or discredit products or ideas. They may seem like harmless people, but they’re actually working for the opposite side. They’re trying to deceive you and mislead you into thinking a product or idea is better than it is. So how do you spot a shill? Here are some signs to watch for: They always have positive feedback. They have a lot of followers but very few reviews. They only post about the product they’re selling. They only endorse products they believe in. They have a lot of fake online profiles. They’re always online. They’re always promoting a specific product or idea. They’re always trying to sell you something. They’re always trying to recruit you. They’re always trying to sell you on the idea of AI. If you see any of these signs, it’s time to take a step back and investigate what’s going on. AI shill behavior is dangerous, and it’s up to us to stop it.