Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 09:08 Id: 233fdd No.117038 del
>wtf are you talking about?

UK Bread here. Just returned from digging and lurking kun. Talking about anons still haven't figured out how to read the Q map. These sequences may be what Q was talking about when talking about learning to read the Q map. We intend to find out. At the very least, just looking at the sequences found, it proves somebody is in total control of the timestamps to be able to embed those sequences. We're talking complete control of the timestamps and all that implies.

Qpost 128:
...'Graphic is necessary and vital.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.
Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
Why was this necessary?
What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?
Why is this relevant?
Think mirror.

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