Anonymous 12/03/2021 (Fri) 07:33:18 Id: 9c116f No.11713 del
New Paths out of Trauma: American psychologist Meridith Miller
Corona Cmte #78
saw this last week, have been looking for it to take notes bc it was so substantive.
starts around here: ~2:45

Viviane- What happened to respect for others' bodies:

MM - People won't listen when facts someone presented conflicts w/what they want to believe
Facts overriden by primitive brain; leads to DENIAL. Keeps people STUCK in BAD RELATIONSHIPS.
How does a person come out of it? Frying pan to the head experience: VISCERAL experience

People want to believe that the govt wants the best for them.
2020 - beginning of hypnotic induction
EG: "social distancing" - induces dissonance (evoke opposites) - becomes difficult to think when we're in that state

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