Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 03:30 Id: e58a68 No.119911 del
no proto 8kun baker dropping notes here
#22433 >>18304520
>>18304640 PapiTrumpo kek
>>18305007 @MZHemingway: Is anyone else having trouble understanding exactly what he's trying to say?
>>18305041 Planefag
>>18305044 @SpeakerMcCarthy: One hour into this speech, and President Biden hasn't mentioned China or our border once
>>18305078 @SpeakerMcCarthy: Every city in America is a border city because of the Biden Administration's open border policies
DJT SOTU commentary
>>18304596 Looking at the expensive fence that was just put up around the Capitol Building, but not wanted at our Border
>>18304615 What a beautiful place!
>>18304625 Nice to see Nancy Pelosi not sitting in the background. Hopefully she’s spending more time with her husband!
>>18304699 Too much use of the word “folks!”
>>18304727 Big stumble on Schumer. He called him Minority Leader. Can’t do that! Each time he’s going off script, he’s making a mistake
>>18304860 If Democracy is unbroken, he should stop the Weaponization of Republicans by the FBI and the Justice Department!
>>18304960 Why did they need the Electoral Reform Act? Vice President was told he had no choice but to send votes back to the Old Crow, Mitch McConnell
>>18305002 He seems to be very angry, shouting into the mic, when he’s trying to come across as conciliatory

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