Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 17:15:06 Id: e6c57f No.12106 del

Wisdom from Dr Lee Merritt:
We cannot avoid the ultimate question of virology:
Are there viruses?

The two big lies that made this whole “shit show” ( I wish I could find an equivalently great word that was polite) possible are:

1) that we humans infect each other with invisible particles no one can prove actually exist independent of the process for making them visible and

2) That testing can be legitimate in the absence of a physical reality to provide a reference standard.

We have created a pseudo reality about “dangerous” people who might silently harbor an infectious disease.

This then creates fear and distrust and belligerance between people.

The mask is just a marker to accent the differences between “safe” people and “dangerous” people.

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