Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 00:03:17 Id: e64fba No.12172 del

Regarding the use of mRNA vaccines in CHILDREN:
- they threat of Covid to children has often been overstated
- the dangers of Covid VACCINES have been understated, espec. regarding the myocarditis risk to male youths › vaccines › acip › meetings › downloads › slides-2021-11-2-3 › 04-C
- the vaccines are also associated with MIS-C (Multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children)
- a member of the FDA panel recommending the mRNA vaccines for children admitted that they did not know how safe they were
- many of the members of that FDA panel are affiliated with vaccine companies
- The World Health Organization originally recommended that children should NOT be vaccinated; it even now acknowledges that it is "less urgent" for children than for adults (
- when serious adverse events occurred, they are ignored and the child is left wo/the resources to get help
- They do not even lessen the severity of the illness in children
(the dangers of vaccinating exceeds the benefits by a factor of at least 100 (per Dr. Peter McCullough)

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