Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 08:12:02 Id: abf305 No.12189 del
notes, con't.

- The German government locked down, imposed social-distancing/ mask-wearing on the basis of a single opinion
- The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating
- The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections
- Former president of the German federal constitutional court doubted the constitutionality of the corona measures
- Former UK supreme court judge Lord Sumption concluded there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for corona measures
- German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended no autopsies be performed
- Corona measures have no sufficient factual or legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately
- No serious scientist gives any validity to the infamous Neil Ferguson’s false computer models warning of millions of deaths
- Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic
- Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models
- Drosten (of PCR test), Tedros of WHO, and others have committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code
- Politicians can avoid going down with the charlatans and criminals by starting the long overdue public scientific discussion

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