Anonymous 03/17/2023 (Fri) 12:37 Id: ed856b No.123010 del
Japanese Officials Urge Govt To Tell The Truth About Excess Deaths Following Covid Vaccines

Thousands of Japanese citizens died shortly after taking a covid jab, but even though pathologists have determined a causal link between the death sand the vaccine, Japan’s Ministry of Health continues to conduct cover-ups of these deaths.

Some brave individuals are however pushing back in a big way.
Leading the way is Dr. Masanori Fukushima who is suing the Japanese government over the vaccines adverse event cover-ups.
Now Japanese lawmaker Mr. Yanagase Hirofumi has also accused the Japanese government of conducting a cover-up.
Speaking during a hearing this week, Hirofumi urged the Japanese government to tell the truth about the huge number of vaccine injuries and excess deaths.