Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 13:23 Id: 22836b No.123450 del
FIRST READING: How the Trudeau Foundation became a scandal mill

From the moment Justin Trudeau became a politician, the foundation began experiencing a surge of unsolicited cash that hasn't really stopped
Tristin Hopper Mar 17, 2023

When the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation first opened its doors in 2002, proponents boasted that it would soon become Canada’s version of the Rhodes Scholarship.

The foundation’s namesake had died in 2000, and the Liberal government of the day decided to honour his legacy by earmarking $125 million for a memorial endowment. The foundation would award doctoral fellowships; up to $50,000 over four years for humanities scholars who looked “to promote (Pierre Trudeau’s) ideas,” in the words of Roy Heenan, Trudeau’s former law partner.