Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 00:41 Id: cea983 No.124143 del
Yo my hair started growing back after a hairloss battle of about 10 years now. Top of head looks almost blonde from all the new hair.

Did two things that grew it back so not sure which one but perhaps both.
1) Ketogenic diet / gluten free (drink diet soda to hack the mind to satisfy intense sugar cravings). I still eat some ice cream time to time but at least it has high protein / fat and gluten free.
2) Started laying down or sitting back against a wall so I can stretch my legs out while using the computer. Sitting on a chair is super bad for you. Messes up your Sciatica and lower back which is really important for blood flow. Most chairs aren't taken the time to be crafted ergonomically as the seat drives up into your hamstring cutting off bloodflow. Driving around all day and sitting will kill ya good. Also my legs and ass started growing because of better blood flow.

Possible I could have entered 5th Dimension I haven't ruled that out.