Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:58 Id: 908d88 No.124274 del

>>124072, >>124113, >>124114, >>124129, >>124159, >>124167, >>124120, >>124177 Donald Trump Is Indicted in New York: Live Updates The specific charges are not yet known and the indictment will likely be unsealed by a judge in the coming days. Trump will have to travel to Manhattan for fingerprinting and other processing at that point.
>>124099, >>124110 Valero Seeks U.S. Approval to Import Venezuelan Oil
>>124107 Huge spike in US bond CDS (credit default swap)
>>124111, >>124135 New Mexico Supreme Court Lifted Mask Mandate! - Thank you Everyone for your help!
>>124127 FLASHBACK: Hanoi Jane Fonda Calls For “Murder” of Christians/Pro-Lifers on The View Just WEEKS Before Nashville Christian School Shooting
>>124142, >>124150, >>124157 Biden Leaves Market And Military Unclear About Strategic Oil Reserve
>>124211, >>124250, >>124216, >>124222, >>124226 Tater: I urge federal banking agencies to consider reinstating safeguards gutted by my predecessor/Last year, I signed into law the most significant gun safety legislation in 30 years. But Congress must do more

for incoming baker