Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 02:04 Id: 7329bf No.124282 del
URGENT: Minnesota Demented Democrats can no longer win elections without cheating.

Republicans: MN Democrats are up to their scheming & cheating tricks once again. They're out to completely destroy our state and need to stay in control to carry it out.

Minnesota Democrats are trying to bring Ranked Choice Voting or RCV to our statewide elections. They are trying to sneak Rank Choice Voting (RCV) funding into their Omnibus Elections Bill. Which favors the Democrats of course. Easy to manipulate, cheat, recounts almost impossible. Voter ID is a much better option and all paper ballots.

Just like their passage of letting felons vote no matter how brutally cruel their crimes were. Even those Felons that have committed murder and stole their victims rights to vote, MN Democrats are rewarding their murderers with the right to vote. MN Democrats passed this and other demented laws against their constituents wishes to keep Democrats in power & control your tax money, give your tax money to groups that return money in donations back to the Democrats. The same goes for The Democrats purposely giving illegals drivers license. Democrats can no longer win elections without cheating.

We've seen enough from the outcomes of Minneapolis and St Paul elections where they already use RCV to select their mayors and council members to know that the process is flawed and has serious ramifications.

Call your Minnesota State Senator and tell them to VOTE NO on Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)

Call the Minnesota State Senate at (651) 296-0504

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