Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 21:47 Id: ad51b7 No.126250 del
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do you have that touch on culture; _ is downstream from culture
do you have that ear for culture
idk but i try not for me but for (You) cuz i know if (You) can save the World then it saves me also
Anons smile when their memes scroll by
Anons smile when their words on SHOWs and podcasts
Anons smile when their ideas followed and shared
thas why _ typed be careful
rabbit holes in rabbit holes, how did i END up here?
Newbies wanna hear the stories, Anons tired of hearing it over and over kek
Anons front seat roller costers sometimes excited and happy, sometimes sick and throwing up
we help each other trudge on, we ask each other for a bit moar Time
sometimes i give up and hide in the darkness; sometimes i think about the richness
choice is always the problem; i must love to suffer based on my choices kek
these days i suffer wisely and try to find favor w God, it works out for ALL i suppose
God's blessing keeps me safe all these years and if i succeed at finding God's favor thru GOOD deeds then mayb redemption; and the GOOD deeds are for the People

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