Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 06:48 Id: 84a9ba No.129305 del
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[This flag is being used more and no mention what this change to the LGB flag means. Dangerous]

New pedo flag and “orientation” just dropped
Gays Against Groomers

🚨 New pedo flag and “orientation” just dropped. Meet the “YAP” community: Youth Attracted Persons.
According to them, they are oppressed, and you are a hateful, fascist bigot if you oppose them.
Normalizing pedophilia was always the goal. They are the next victim class.

International Pedophiles Day': Activists Unveil New Flag and Demand Civil Rights - The People's Voice
Far-left activists have debuted a new flag to further their push for the normalization of pedophilia, as they continue to push for “civil rights for pedophiles.”
According to the pro-pedophile movement, April 25 is “Alice Day,” a special day for pedophiles to celebrate their “god-given sexuality.” The reference is to Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, who was allegedly a pedophile himself.
The People’s Voice has been exposing the globalist elite’s agenda to normalize pedophilia around the world, including removing age of consent laws.
Mainstream media and the LGBT movement is pushing for acceptance for minor-attracted persons, which is the new euphemism for pedophiles as they attempt to mainstream the victimization of children:
An assistant professor at Old Dominion University (ODU) is defending pedophiles, calling them by their preferred euphemism, and claiming that their behavior can be “moral.”
ODU assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice Allyn Walker wrote his book, A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity to promote pedophile acceptance. He explained the rationale behind his thoughts while taking questions in a recent livestream.

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