THE GREAT RESET: Hackers Promise To Destroy Europe's Banking System In The Next 48 Hours Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 10:35 Id: d5fac9 No.129351 del
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THE GREAT RESET: Hackers Promise To Destroy Europe's Banking System In The Next 48 Hours

URGENT! Several computer Hacker groups, with a long track record of highly effective and devastating computer attacks, have announced "the strongest cyberattack in history" to bring down European Banks within the next 48 Hours.

Several hacker groups are allegedly planning to carry out a large-scale computer attack on the European banking system. As it became known to the

Hacktivists of "Killnet" along with representatives of "Revil" - which was long-considered defeated, as well as members of "Anonymous" say they have joined together to achieve this goal.

Put simply, Russian or (((other State actors))) have declared war on European banks.

According to sources who have seen it, a not yet published promo video dedicated to this attack has already been made. In the video itself, an unnamed representative of "Killnet" allegedly called on all active groups to engage in destructive activities against the European banking system.

The leader of "Killnet" hiding under the nickname "Killmilk", confirmed that preparations for the attack are already underway. It is expected to begin in the next 48 hours.

Cyberattack could be the largest in history

The representative of "Revil," in turn, stated that "the world has gone crazy", and the reason for this, in his opinion, was money. He also stated that it is the European banking system that governs the EU.

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