RED ALERT!! PUTIN ANNOUNCES WORLD WAR III!!! NUKES DEPLOYED TO GERMANY & BELARUS!!!! Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 11:11 Id: d5fac9 No.129353 del
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Russian President Putin just announced THIS:

"And Russia will end this war by force of arms, freeing the entire territory of the former Ukraine from the United States and Ukrainian Nazis.

There are no other options. The Ukrainian army of the US and NATO will be defeated, no matter what new types of weapons it receives from the West. The more weapons there are, the fewer Ukrainians and what used to be Ukraine will remain.

Direct intervention by NATO's European armies will not change the outcome. But in this case, the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe. It looks like the US is ready for that too."

He then got directly in the face of NATO by saying "The Ukrainian army of the US and NATO will be defeated, no matter what new types of weapons it receives from the West."

Clearly, President Putin is signaling to the West that no matter what weaponry the West sends to Ukraine, Russia will win. Period. Full stop. So what does THAT tell you about the weaponry Russia is willing to use? Most rational people will understand it means whatever weaponry NEEDS to be used, i.e. nuclear.

President Putin made that explicitly clear when he also immediately added " But in this case, the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe."

There it is. Plain as day. "The fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe." World war.

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