Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 06:38 Id: b64e40 No.129502 del
Congress Tells Treasury Secretary To Prepare for China to DUMP US Treasuries OVERNIGHT Before Taiwan Invasion

In an absolutely stunning exchange on Capitol Hill, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, appearing before a Congressional Committee, was told by Congress to Prepare for China to DUMP $859 Billion in U.S. Treasury Debt Notes -- "overnight."

The exchange went like this:

Congressman: "We did a tabletop exercise, and in response to Sanctions against a Chinese scenario where there would be an invasion of Taiwan, the scenario was that China, the second largest foreign creditor of US Treasuries, would dump that $859 Billion in Treasury Securities. How are you working with our Allies internationally and also the Federal Reserve to deal with a situation where China would dump that volume of Treasury Securities OVERNIGHT?"

Secretary Yellen: "So, uh, we are not engaging in specific exercises to address such a risk, but the United States National Security Council is certainly concerned on an ongoing basis."

Congressman: "Madam Secretary, I would encourage Treasury to make preparations and be on-the-ready for that scenario."

Have you noticed every single one of O’Biden’s Secretary positions are occupied by people just as brain dead as he is? The “Honorable” Treasurer should already KNOW these securities will be eventually dumped as the Globalists continue to destroy our currency! She’s one of them! Absolutely pitiful we’re now in this spot with these people.

Everybody knows China will try to defeat us without firing a single shot and use our own systems against us. They literally say it out loud... Why would you not be preparing for this scenario? Complete incompetence and dereliction of duty. How can 10's of millions of Americans see this as obvious but the Treasury Secretary hasn't thought of that? The stupidity is surreal.

At some point, no one will WANT a US government bond. The only way to "dump" them is to sell them, either to the US government or to some other sucker at a loss. The US could stall the buy back but more than likely, the FED would simply "monetize" or print the fiat money into existence. This would again water down the value of the US dollar in the form of inflation (hidden tax on everyone holding and using US dollars) driving even more investment away from the dollar.

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