Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 22:48 Id: dcbd3d No.129768 del
over the last six months the ability to lurk on sites has diminished - sites started asking to log in again to verify and for a period I could still access but then I tested if I could respond and I couldn't anymore. I see now I am issued a # that they use to identify. Because I am vetting info its an issue...I do use analternate browser but if I look into it it's probably compromised like everything else. They are trying to aggregate all our info and its obvious when suggestions come up with user info on various platforms. I don't use apps for this reason. It's not popular but I don't believe Musk is a good guy, there is so much money to be had to the person who produces the most data on citizens. This is key to the whole globalist plan to identify dissidents. He acts like a Pied Piper bringing up topics that people flock to to give their opinions and literally their voice. Similar to if not the same as the Maoist Hundred Flowers Campaign in China.