Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 07:01 Id: 802224 No.130449 del
Seattle, WA Schoolboard Candidate received contributions from San Francisco Transgender Woman who Runs The Liberal Gun Club

Political Disclosure Data Candidates
Candidate:Debbie Carlsen

Marlene Hoeber is a board president of The Center for Sex and Culture, a long-time member of various leather communities, and a queer history nerd. She co-founded a college campus-based student leather organization in 1991 and has a lifelong love for making information about sexuality available to people who need it. For Marlene, sexual liberation is integral to her notions of revolutionary politics, coming close to the need to keep people fed, clothed, and housed. She is also the president of the Northern California chapter of the Liberal Gun Club, highlighting that lefty politics and a love for guns and gun rights are not mutually exclusive.2 Additionally, Marlene Hoeber is a Senior Engineer at Bolt Threads in California, United States.
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Transgender Woman Runs the Liberal Gun Club
They call themselves “the NPR of gun clubs,” and their founder, Marlene Hoeber, says one advantage of their own club is that “We make ourselves a special place where we don’t have to hear about the ‘Kenyan Muslim socialist’ in the White House.” Described as a “feisty, tattooed, transgender, a self-described feminist, a queer activist,” I’m not exactly certain whether the article is admiring her, being neutral, or holding her up for a little bit of ridicule. When the reporter chose quotes like the following:

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