Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 07:04 Id: 802224 No.130450 del
>>130448, >>130449

About Twelve Benefit
Twelve, formerly known as Opus 12, was born from breakthrough discoveries by Dr. Etosha Cave and Dr. Kendra Kuhl at the world-renowned Jaramillo Group at Stanford University, a recognized world leader in CO2 electrocatalysis. There, they developed our carbon transformation technology. In 2015, Dr. Cave and Dr. Kuhl were ready to take their fundamental discoveries from the lab and translate them into a commercial solution to revolutionize the way we reduce emissions by making the world's most critical chemicals from CO2 instead of fossil fuels. They co-founded Twelve with fellow Stanford graduate and clean tech entrepreneur, Nicholas Flanders.
Today, we are a growing team of electrochemists, material scientists, and engineers with cutting-edge expertise in the field of CO2 electrocatalysis and electrochemical reactor design, scouted from the best programs in the world. We partner with industry leaders to implement our carbon transformation technology at scale. With our own purpose-built R&D facilities and access to the world-class resources of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, we have the tools and partnerships to scale our solution.

Fresh Meat in the Gallery is a groundbreaking, rule-breaking annual exhibition of transgender and gender variant artists.

Girl Talk 2011 - Marlene Hoeber
YouTube·HandbasketMedia·May 14, 2011,vid:OS4_m8oRR8g

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