Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 04:25 Id: 6e6b39 No.131128 del
(690.40 KB 685x399 Götheborg of Sweden.PNG)

When the 1700s come to the rescue

May 9th, 2023
We repeatedly emphasized that we were aboard a small 8-meter sailboat, but the response was the same each time: “We are a 50-meter three-masted sailboat, and we offer our assistance in towing you to Paimpol.” We were perplexed by the size difference between our two boats, as we feared being towed by a boat that was too large and at too fast a speed that could damage our boat.

The arrival of the Götheborg on the scene was rapid and surprising, as we did not expect to see a merchant ship from the East India Company of the XVIII century. This moment was very strange, and we wondered if we were dreaming. Where were we? What time period was it?