Anonymous 08/25/2023 (Fri) 13:03 Id: e5075e No.131284 del
August 26, 2023
8:05 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Coroners in the 19th Century South. Professor Stephen Berry talked about coroners in the 19th century South. He discussed the role of a coroner as an agent of the state and talked about the records created from coroner inquests. He argued that coroners can shed light on the emerging patterns of death within a society and reveal potential threats to public health such as diseases or a lack of industrial safety.
American History/BookTV

August 26, 2023
9:15 PM EDT
Reel America: Atomic Bomb Tests - 1951. This 1951 Defense Department film showed how the Air Force supported the Atomic Energy Commission on continental atomic bomb tests. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films produced mostly by government agencies
American History/BookTV

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