Anonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 12:31 Id: 41d417 No.131370 del
2:00 AM EDT
Rise and Fall of Thomas Paine
Historian Richard Bell talked about Thomas Paine’s popularity in 1776 after publishing Common Sense and his reputational decline after the American Revolution. This virtual program was hosted by the Smithsonian Associates.

3:27 AM EDT
Lectures in History: Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Grove City College president Paul McNulty taught a class about the development of the U.S. Constitution and what he believes are its main principles: republicanism, the separation of powers, and federalism. Mr. McNulty served as deputy attorney general in the George W. Bush administration from 2006 to 2007.

4:00 AM EDT
3rd Meeting, 4th Session Open-ended Working Group on Reducing Space Threats
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT

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