Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 01:17 Id: 75b7e1 No.131501 del
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The Mysterious Murder of a Billionaire Canadian Couple

It’s been five years since the brutal killings of pharmaceutical industry billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife Honey in their Toronto home. The case remains unsolved, leaving numerous unanswered questions. But the police say calling it a cold case would be a mistake. – Bloomberg Originals

Barry Sherman sued literally everyone including the police department, their house builder, and over 1,000 cases just against the government, not to mention his business lawsuits and the very controversial lawsuit by his cousins claiming that he owed them each 5% of the drug company Apotex when the original owner, Barry’s uncle, the then orphaned cousins’ father, died.

Anyone of his enemies, including his own son whom one of Barry’s daughter accused him of murdering their father, could have hired the killer or killers.

This is a case of too many enemies – @leanderrowe2800