Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 11:18 Id: 9395c6 No.132024 del
We're in the biggest Housing Bubble ever in 2023. Home prices, adjusted for inflation, are 85% overvalued compared to their 130-year average. The only other time the overvaluation came close was in 2006. And we all know what happened next.

🇺🇲From 1890 to 2000, over 110 years, home prices did not grow adjusted for inflation. The real Case Shiller Home Price Index never went much above 100. That's how things should be. But then something changed in the early 2000s...
🤬In the early 2000s when the Fed started artificially suppressing interest rates. Started with Greenspan's rate cut in 2001. Continued in late 2000s. And of course Powell in pandemic. These historically low rates caused home prices to surge above inflation.