Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 13:48 Id: c70497 No.132114 del
Notables So Far

#397 >>131968
>>131984 Aerial target simulation
>>132016 An iPhone is taped to the back of a toilet seat on an American Airlines flight
>>132022, >>132042 8 kun maitenance started this morning around 1a EDT, we are moving the servers-JW
>>132023, >>132027 We're in the biggest Housing Bubble ever in 2023
>>132035 Sign here to make it clear that you want the illegal immigration defunded and stopped.
>>132065 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000064
>>132073, >>132075, >>132076, >>132077, >>132078, >>132079, >>132080, >>132083, >>132084, >>132085, >>132088, >>132089, >>132090, >>132092, >>132095 Swamp Today Bun