Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 14:32 Id: 3925fd No.132123 del
Follow the wives
Bob's wife shits gold bricks

>Sen. Bob Menendez’s new wife cashed in up to $400,000 worth of gold bars
>Nadine Arslanian, 56, sold the gold between April 7, 2022, and June 16, 2022, according to the senator’s annual public disclosures. It is equivalent to as much as 13 pounds of pure gold
Arslanian founded her own consulting business — Strategic International Business Consultants LLC — which is run out of her home address.

>The company has no online footprint, and it’s not clear who its clients are. Its incorporation was handled by longtime Menendez friend Donald Scarinci.

>Between January and April of this year, Menendez for Senate spent nearly $187,000 on “legal services” to firms in Chicago and Washington, DC, according to Federal Election Commission filings.
>Among the law firms is the Elias Law Group, headed by prominent elections lawyer Marc Elias, a longtime adviser to the Democratic National Committee before they parted ways in April, according to reports.