Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 04:05 Id: 70e1f6 No.132574 del

dig: antivax author Janet Jayes 2019 murder & bf Burke Bryant/HARP child rescue

Think we missed something. JJ was a 1999 graduate of Old Dominion University, where she attained a bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, according to her LinkedIn page. Jaynes also had a 2013 certificate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Jaynes’ book, “Malice,” which was published in 2018, has been held up as a pro-anti-vaxxer book. Jaynes published another work, “Disturbed,” in 2017.

One anti-vaxxer activist said that Jaynes had been a member of the Facebook group “Restore Liability For The Vaccine Makers Group” since May 2019.

Jaynes Was Formerly Married to Award-Winning Porno Producer Brian Jaynes aka Michael Raven

Jaynes’ boyfriend at the time of her death, Burke Bryant, is the Fort Worth-based president of the Humanitarian Aid and Rescue Project, according to his LinkedIn page. Bryant also works in commercial photography and videography. On his website, Bryant writes that he is co-authoring a psychological thriller and is “biohacking [body] for performance and optimization.”

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