Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 18:45 Id: d00670 No.134587 del
Milei's advice to Americans witnessing the rise of Socialism in the U.S.

Michael Mella 🐊
"Never embrace the idea of socialism."

"Never let yourselves be seduced by the siren song of social justice."

"Don't get caught by that nefarious phrase that where there's a need, there's a right."

"For that, you need to be prepared and wage the cultural battle every day."

"Be careful because they [socialists] have no problem infiltrating the state and applying Gramsci's techniques, seducing artists, culture, media, or getting into educational content."

"You have to be very careful, cut off their funding, and make them compete on equal terms. At the same time, you have to make business people aware that it's necessary. As Milton Friedman said, the social function of a businessman is to make money, but that alone is not enough. Part of the investment has to be in defenders of freedom so that socialists cannot advance. Because if they don't, they will get into the state, and from the state, they will impose an agenda that, in the long run, will end up destroying everything it touches."

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