Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 23:34 Id: 18b21a No.134934 del
Video: Kiev Sends Children to the Battlefield

17-year-old Ukrainian boys are already dying at the front. The first victims are orphans.

Despite the efforts of military commissars to hunt for new soldiers on the streets, the mobilization efforts in Ukraine have failed. The Ukrainian army is suffering from a shortage of personnel. The number mobilized no longer covers the losses at the front.

While the number of women in Ukrainian trenches has already decreased, Kiev sends children to the battlefield.

The head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service already warned that London and Washington had ‘recommended’ Ukrainian authorities to reduce the conscription age to 17 and raise it to 70 year olds.

Kiev is already changing legislation according to its orders from the West.

Draft law on raising the military age up to 70 years has already been registered in the Ukrainian parliament.

In May, the conscription age was lowered to 25; but this was not enough to continue fighting for the interests of the West.

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