Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 13:42 Id: 5ba23c No.135407 del
December 30, 2023
12:16 PM EST
Robert Oppenheimer's Legacy. "Father of the atomic bomb," Robert Oppenheimer's life and evolving legacy was the topic of a discussion hosted by Indiana Wesleyan University. Oppenheimer biographer Kai Bird ("American Prometheus"), Washington Post reporter Jada Yuan ("Unleashing Oppenheimer") and Department of Energy advisor Narayan Subramanian participated in this event.
American History/BookTV

December 30, 2023
12:31 PM EST
The Presidency: A Friendship of Rivals - Gerald Ford & Jimmy Carter. Republican Gerald Ford and Democrat Jimmy Carter -- political rivals in the 1976 presidential campaign -- became lifelong friends who found common cause in the decades after they left the White House. What gave that friendship staying power - even as the country became more partisan? The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation & the Carter Center hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

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