Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:12 Id: 64865f No.136369 del
>>136313,>>136315, >>136340, >>136350, >>136365, >>136368
[regarding the sum of cash in picrel - a candidate is #47 after the election, not before. If they attempted an "assassination" after a populace president was in office, it would be to create the most psychological damage to a recovering nation...Let the weakened people get back up and then deliver a final blow.]

🦅Sky360s 🇺🇸
Jan 22
Saw a post earlier that showed the dollar bill is a silver certificate. JFK removed these certificates?
Can’t remember the archive from 1963.

Jan 22
Not to mention the $10 bill in the front with the writing “Will Pay to Bearer on Demand” was last printed in 1963, which is the year JFK was assassinated.

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