Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 23:45 Id: cfbe4b No.137115 del
Integro Capital’s website lists just three businesses in their portfolio: International Health Brands, Momentix Capital (which lists Coulson as a director in corporate filings) and a biotech company called Qu Biologics. Coulson sits on the board of Qu Biologics, while Lopez’s LinkedIn profile discloses that he is an investor in the company.
The partners pics from their Integro Capital Bios

Qu Biologics is one of many high-powered genetic medicine research companies currently furthering the forward march of the same gene-based medicine technology that underlies the mRNA COVID-19 products rolled out by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, and is predictably couched in language around helping sick people and ushering in a better healthcare future for everyone. But its managing team and board are stacked with personnel working in the fields of bio-pharmaceuticals, infectious disease, molecular biotechnology, nanotechnology, and the like.

The obvious questions here are:
Why would Foster Coulson, who claims to be developing the largest alternative parallel health care system in the United States…
promote his empire of goods and services to a market segment which is manifestly averse to gene-based medicine;
place himself on the board of a company working to further develop such technology; and
position himself and his companies to financially benefit through investments in their research and products,
unbeknownst to his TWC clientele?

It is certainly important to ask what the crossover is between Qu Biologics and the alternative healthcare messaging coming out of The Wellness Company’s public relations machine, but I predict that generally scrutinizing any links between gene-based research companies and alternative healthcare settings will become even more important moving forward. This prediction stems from an observation of a currently unfolding trend that I think is essential to understand: an attempt to marry the alternative healthcare movement with the same genetic technology that underlies the various COVID-19 injections, through nuanced and attractive invitations that seem safe to the dissident community, yet are delivered via mechanisms of deceit.