Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 00:29 Id: cfbe4b No.137117 del
Platinum Officer Membership includes Extraction Package and Breitling Emergency II, the world’s first watch with built-in emergency Cospas-Sarsat microtransmitter. Extraction includes one covert extraction from any location or situation on earth.”

Members are also invited to a special event called Spy Week, where “participants will be educated and trained by intelligence officers” including Porter Goss, former Director of the CIA; Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA and NSA; and Oleg Kalugin, Major General in the 1st Directorate of the KGB.

“Also speaking will be Bill Harlow, Chief Spokesperson for the CIA and an unnamed former MOSSAD officer on current events. We will be travelling aboard a river ship down the Danube River from Budapest, Hungary, through Croatia and Serbia, to Bucharest, Romania. We will stop along the way to visit Cold War spy points of interest and to hear stories from both sides of what actually happened there. Our cruise will continue out to the black sea to Odessa, Ukraine, to a Secret Russian Submarine Cave. Our Kenya and Tanzania “Spy Week” will include Powered-Paragliding training and safari missions.”

In case this spy company offering a new and meaningful life filled with real bad guys and extraction packages isn’t enough to raise serious concerns regarding the close association of the The Wellness Company to a literal network of intelligence spies, consider that until very, very recently, David Lopez had himself listed as co-founder on LinkedIn of a company called Liberty Blockchain. He has recently removed it, but the above linked archived page shows it was there. It should be noted that unless you explicitly tell it not to, LinkedIn notifies users who has viewed their profile.

Due to the timing of it all, its very plausible Lopez was aware that researchers were viewing his profile and decided Liberty Blockchain was no longer something he wanted to be publicly linked to. Still listed on his profile are The Wellness Company, Integro Capital, Qu Biologics, IHB, and WatersMark, which would be enough to raise eyebrows for most people. So what could Liberty Blockchain possibly reveal, that would somehow be notably worse? Could there possibly have been something that Lopez was trying to hide?