Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 21:26 Id: cfbe4b No.137134 del
doublespeak, presupposition, framing, ad hominem
(point) "he is not good at explaining himself. I didn't think." (counterpoint)He is smart.
"clearly spending a lot of time in a world where he doesn't have to explain himself"
"he didn't sort of lay out his case...very coherently"
"he's very wounded"
"it is obvious he's very wounded"
"he expected the end of the Cold War"
"he is very upset"
''Maybe they're too paranoid about it. Totally possible. Again, not taking sides,
"His eyes flashed when we talked about that"
"He didn't have a coherent theory"
"Whatever are Putin's many faults"
"to the extent he's angry and then it is obvious he's angry because he feels like, Whoa"
"I thought we were going to be friends?"

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