Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:39 Id: c95043 No.138297 del
Kerry Kennedy reposted
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
On Ghana’s independence day, we stand with LGBTQIA+ Ghanaians and condemn the passage of the anti-LGBTQIA+ bill by @Parliament_gh. We urge the gov't of #Ghana to guarantee equal rights & safety for LGBTQIA+ Ghanaians! #QueerGhanaianLivesMatter #KillTheBill

Kerry Kennedy
True #GenderEquality is inclusive and recognizes the rights of all women, irrespective of gender identity. This #WomensHistoryMonth, let's amplify the voices of transgender women and non-binary individuals, affirming their right to equality, safety, and respect. By fostering inclusivity, we move closer to a world where every woman can live authentically and free from discrimination. #EqualityKnowsNoBounds.