Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 06:26 Id: 916b26 No.139230 del

Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues
ISBN 1-58566-061-2

"As "first wave" wars were fought for land and "second wave" wars were fought for control over productive capacity, the emerging "third wave" wars will be fought for control of knowledge. And, since "combat form" in any society follows the "wealth-creation form" of that society, wars of the future will be increasingly "information wars.""- George J. Stein

Ambiguity and plausible denial are not new phenomena. But the rapid growth of interconnections manifested already in communications, banking, and other areas creates vulnerabilities and presents opportunities to do grievous harm quickly, with no warning, and with a minimal "signature." Accordingly, the analysis of indications and warning that mark the outset of warfare must change. To date, insufficient thought has been applied to this aspect of the character of future war.
pg 81
Edited last time by Arcus on 04/15/2024 (Mon) 06:52.