Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 12:50 Id: 5f74ce No.140185 del
MAY 10, 2000
The Love Bug Virus
Witnesses testified about the “love bug” computer virus that infected over 10 million computers worldwide starting May 4th, 2000, shutting down Internet servers and corrupting files. Testimony centered around how the virus spread so quickly, the impacts and damages, and what steps could be taken to prevent similar attacks in the future.

MAY 10, 2017
White House Daily Briefing
At the daily briefing White House briefing, Sarah Sanders answered questions from reporters about President Trump’s previous-day firing of FBI Director James Comey. Ms. Sanders defended the firing, saying the president had been considering it for a while and had lost confidence in Mr. Comey’s ability to lead the law enforcement agency.

MAY 10, 2023
House Republican News Conference on Hunter Biden Investigation
House Oversight and Accountability Chair James Comer (R-KY) and other Republican members of the committee updated reporters about the ongoing investigation into President Biden’s family. Chair Comer accused the Bidens of making over $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and did so by being associated with over 20 companies that were mostly formed during that time. He and the other members then explained further, naming Chinese and Romanian individuals through which this alleged activity was done. When Chair Comer was asked by a reporter about alleged foreign business deals made by former President Donald Trump’s family during his time in office, Chair Comer replied, “I actually know what his businesses are,” referring to Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law. “What are the Biden businesses? ... These were set up when Joe Biden was vice president.”

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