Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 05:59 Id: c7fe17 No.140254 del
>>139757 Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
>>139760 Reminder 2020: Secretary of Defense confirms Directed Energy Weapon satellites are in space
>>139762 Why is Mike Johnson Suppressing This Report
>>139763, >>139761 Tornado Outbreak, Homes Damaged In Oklahoma
>>139766 Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s Trump Extortion Plot
>>139769, >>139771, >>139780, >>139781, >>139782, >>139783, >>139784, >>139813, >>139814, >>139815, >>139816, >>139855, >>139894
University campus Antifa protests
>>139773 Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel returns a fiery first sermon for freedom of speech and religion
>>139776 Deep state scrambling to find missing top-secret binder showing how Obama's CIA set up Russia hoax
>>139779 Ontario police and Canadian military to hold joint “simulated extreme heat scenario” operation
>>139787, >>139788, >>139789, >>139790, >>139791, >>139792, >>139793, >>139794, >>139795, >>139796, >>139797, >>139798 Swamp Today Monday April 29, 2024
>>139805 Fun fact about the communist non-profits funding these campus protests
>>139807 Guatemalan prosecutors raided offices of the charity Save the Children, citing a complaint alleging violation of migrant children’s rights
>>139808 AstraZeneca admits Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect
>>139810 A Massive Scandal Is Brewing in Los Angeles After DA George Gascon's Number 3 Charged With 11 Felonies
>>139811 Afroman - Hunter Got High

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