Anonymous 05/20/2024 (Mon) 12:28 Id: 0ecf50 No.140492 del
3:21 AM EDT
Gary Paul Nabhan, "Agave Spirits - The Past, Present, and Future of Mezcals". Ethnobotanist Gary Paul Nabhan looked at the history, science, and the production of tequila and other spirits from agave plants. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

4:05 AM EDT
Ana Raquel Minian, "In the Shadow of Liberty: The Invisible History of Immigrant Detention in the United States." Stanford University history professor Ana Raquel Minian talked about the history of immigrant detention in the U.S. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

4:48 AM EDT
Megan Kimble, "City Limits - Infrastructure, Inequality, and the Future of America. Investigative journalist Megan Kimple examined the origins of U.S. highways, the impact on communities & whether removal of urban highways should be considered. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

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