Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 11:54 Id: 936850 No.140599 del
Several whistleblowers have provided explosive testimony during an official inquiry, revealing that hospitals were euthanizing patients during the pandemic and blaming their deaths on Covid.

The patients were reportedly given a lethal drug combination before their deaths were listed under “COVID-19” in an apparent effort to boost the number of fatalities from the virus.

The bombshell testimonies were provided during the ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

The independent inquiry has now been ongoing for almost two months.

The panel is investigating failures in Scotland’s response to the pandemic.

The witnesses specifically testified that elderly patients were being unnecessarily administered end-of-life protocols.

Those who tested positive for the virus were given deadly doses of drugs such as midazolam and morphine, even if their Covid symptoms were only mild.

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