Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 13:54 Id: 936850 No.140624 del

⚡️🇦🇺 AUSTRALIA FLIRTS WITH NEW COVID VARIANT - THAT'S CALLED "FliRT": A senior news reporter who has been vaccinated SIX TIMES falls ill with this deadly new strain. It's certainly time for a 7th booster!

01:30 Get your boosters, wear your masks, wash your hands! - Bruce says. Sounds like it worked the first 6 times! 🤡

Australia has recently passed Digital I.D legislation, which activists warn may lead to an all encompassing "eco-system of control" of an individual's activities and health data.

The World Health Organization is also on schedule to finalizing a global pandemic response treaty - is FliRT rather on time?…👁