Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 12:48 Id: 3f9c65 No.140722 del
10:30 AM EDT
Africa Day 2024 | Bridging the Education Skills Gap: An Inter-generational Perspective - Africa Day is a significant opportunity to celebrate the unity, diversity, many achievements, and challenges of the continent. This year, the theme "Educating an Africa Fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa" highlights the crucial importance of education in shaping the continent's future.
United Nations

10:30 AM EDT
Sanctions on Russia: What’s Working? What’s Not?
Brookings Institution
Deputy National Security Adviser and Others Discuss Russian Sanctions
Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics Daleep Singh, former National Security Director for Russia Fiona Hill (2017-19), and others discuss Russian sanctions during an event hosted by the Brookings Institution.

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