Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 12:31 Id: 3f9c65 No.140779 del
MAY 30, 2012
Eric Holder Remarks on Voter Rights
Attorney General Eric Holder gave the keynote address at the inaugural Faith Leaders Summit on Voting Rights. He talked Justice Department's efforts to enforce voting rights in reaction to state laws enacted since 2010 on issues such as voter identification requirements, registration, and redistricting.

MAY 30, 2017
White House Daily Briefing
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer briefed reporters and responded to questions at the daily press briefing, his first since President Trump's return from a trip through the Middle East and Europe. After a lengthy recap of the president's travels, Mr. Spicer took a series of questions from reporters, one of which sparked a spirited exchange over press coverage of the president's appearance at the G-7 summit in Sicily.

MAY 30, 2018
Right to Try Act
President Trump signed legislation that aims to give terminally ill patients the opportunity to seek experimental drug treatments that are not fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The president said the legislation would give hope to thousands of terminally ill Americans and allow them to be with their families for longer periods of time. He was introduced by Vice President Pence.

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