Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 07:49 Id: 62cb25 No.140867 del
(19.25 KB 425x291 US_Zelensky status.JPG)
>>140842, >>140843

🇺🇸 US not changing Zelensky's status despite term expiration, lack of election, state department says

"We refer you to [State Department] Spokesperson [Matthew] Miller's comments during the March 25 Department Press Briefing," the department said in response to a question about the US position on Zelensky's status, given that his presidential term expired last month and new elections have not yet been scheduled in Ukraine.

Miller, commenting on the impending end of Zelensky's presidential term, said that the US finds it difficult for Ukraine to hold elections amid the conflict and the issue should be decided by the people of the country.

Ukraine was due to hold a presidential election on March 31, but it was called off due to the ongoing martial law. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "according to preliminary statements, the only legitimate authorities in Ukraine are the parliament and [its] speaker."