Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 21:08 Id: 60df0c No.141015 del
🇷🇺 🇹🇩 Russian foreign minister's visit to Chad will mark a turning point in the development of bilateral relations, Chadian media Alwihda says

The visit takes place amid Chad's rapprochement with Russia and its estrangement from Western countries, the media reported.

According to the outlet, the African country, which faces a constant threat from Islamic extremism, is an important partner of Russia in the Sahel region.

👉🏾 The two countries have already conducted joint counter-terrorism operations and could strengthen cooperation in this area, the media said.

On June 5, Russian top diplomat Sergey Lavrov arrived in Chad as part of his African tour. Since June 2, he had visited Guinea, the Republic of Congo and Burkina Faso.