Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 12:27 Id: a87243 No.141089 del
JUNE 10, 2019
House Judiciary Hearing on Lessons from Mueller Report
Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean as well as former U.S. attorneys and legal experts testified about lessons learned from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. At the top of the hearing, House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced that he had reached a deal with the Department of Justice for access to evidence of possible obstruction by President Trump. Later, Mr. Dean described parallels between the Watergate scandal under President Nixon and the Trump administration, including comparing the firing of former FBI Director James Comey to the "Saturday Night Massacre" of 1973 in which then-special prosecutor Archibald Cox was fired. Several Republicans challenged the intent of the hearing. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Mr. Dean he was invited as "a prop" by the Democrats.

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Trump Probation Interview Set for Monday After Hush Money Conviction

June 10, 2024
12:05 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Charlie Spiering, "Amateur Hour - Kamala Harris in the White House". Daily Mail Senior Political Reporter Charlie Spiering discussed his book "Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House."
American History/BookTV

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