Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 20:18 Id: 0f674f No.141117 del
(2.50 MB 4560x2594 Hunter red october.jpg)
Summary of Coincidences
Temporal Match: Forum post date and trial date.
Hidden Imagery: Gun shape in the forum post.
Predictive Post: Submarine reference and actual submarine event.
Thematic Connection: "Hunt for Red October" and the submarine event.
Symbolic Imagery: Trump's image on the movie poster.
Legal Evidence: Introduction of Hunter Biden's laptop.
Phrase Usage: Repeated cryptic phrases fitting the narrative.
Geopolitical Timing: Russian submarine and trial date alignment.

Combined Probability
To find the combined probability, assuming these events are independent, we multiply their individual probabilities:

Let’s calculate the denominator:

P combined = 1 in 6,106,069,401,088

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